Here is the info from their site:
As the year is coming to an end Faith Sisters is busy planning for next year. In 2010 we are going back to the basics of leaving a legacy of faith. This years challenges at Faith Sisters are all focused on YOU and your lifetime story. When you join us in this challenge you will be creating a mini-autobiography. We are counting down the days till January 6th because we are so stinkin' excited about the My Lifetime Story challenges!!!
Wouldn't you

We will start out with your family roots in January and move into your childhood in February. We will continue throughout the year with your teen and adult years as well. The last challenge of the year will be a letter to your future generations or anyone who reads your book.
*My life collage- an assortment of photos of you ranging from baby, childhood, teen, and adult. That showcase you and the milestones through your life. 6-18 photos
*My Birth Story- your first photos, baby photos, /birth certificate.
*My family tree- names, birth dates & photo of yourself, your parents, your grandparents, your great grandparents.
*4-6 additional photos of your parents and grandparents for a layout about them.
*Photos of your siblings (childhood and adult photos)
*Homes you have lived in/your home town
*Childhood Favorites (toys, memories, vacations, family members, cousins)
*Childhood Friends/Pets
*Churches you attended when you were young, photos of you at religious activities or baptism.
Who else thinks they might like to join this challenge?
hi Amy, cool blog! http://heartofgolddigitalmemories.blogspot.com Check mine out too.